Frequently Asked Questions
What is a fixed-price contract?
Contrary to the “cost plus” concept, where the project invoices are billed monthly and project pricing is never a guarantee, a fixed price contract locks pricing in before the project has begun. This is to provide the homeowner with a clear project price and eliminate any surprises.
If pricing is locked in before the project starts, what happens if we want to change something?
Change orders are a typical item with fixed-price contracts. Whether you would like to add or eliminate scope, or we run into unforeseen issues in the project, change orders allow us to work together to modify the contract pricing in a simple manner.
Do we need to move out while the project is in construction?
This is a personal preference and truthfully is dependent on the scope of the project. For example, if you are remodeling a bathroom and have a separate bathroom that you can use, moving out would not be necessary. However, if your kitchen is being remodeled and is rendered useless, living through that level of construction can be difficult.
How are our payments structured throughout the project?
Invoicing is based on project milestones, rather than a monthly payment structure. These milestones will be determined based on your project specifications and will be outlined in the fixed price contract documents.
Will we get a schedule for our project?
Yes. As the preconstruction phase reaches completion, we will compile an initial project schedule. This will provide you with a good understanding of the project start date and duration. Project start date, however, hinders on our permit and material lead times. As those lead times are constantly in flux, we will not lock in a hard start date until those release dates are confirmed.
What is the best way to contact you if we have a question during our project?
Travis can be reached via phone or email. We ask that if you are contacting via phone, you contact during normal business hours (M-F, 8am-5pm) unless there is an emergency.
What does substantial completion mean?
Substantial Completion is the point of the project where the majority of the work has been completed, and all rooms in the project scope are fully functional. It is at this point in the project where we will put together our project punch list. This punch list will lay out all outstanding project items along with expected completion dates for these items.
How does the warranty process work?
Your two-year warranty consists of four checkpoints where we will reach out to make sure that all items from our project are still exemplary. These checkpoints are 6,12,18, and 24 months after the project completion. Our warranty covers any material defects or damage of items during the construction process. It does not, however, cover damages incurred after construction completion (pet scratches, markings on paint, etc.). If a warranty item is found, we ask that you keep a running list that can be given to us at each of the warranty checkpoints. Obviously, if there is an emergency such as a leak or fire, please contact us as soon as possible.